President Trump Should #VetoCorruption and Not Sign HJ Res 41
Today, President Trump has an opportunity to veto House Joint Resolution 41, which will make it easier for corrupt officials around the world to steal oil and mining money from their citizens.
HJ Res 41 repeals the common-sense implementing rules for the Cardin-Lugar AntiCorruption Provision, a bipartisan law passed in 2010 that shines a light on oil and mineral money flowing to governments.
These rules are supported by people of faith, investors worth $10 trillion in assets, and leading oil, gas and mining companies. Thirty US ally countries adopted the same rules, and the playing field is level.
Publish What You Pay and its 3 million members across the United States, and its global coalition of citizens in nearly 60 countries, urges President Trump to veto HJ Res 41.
The President should veto because:
• HJ Res 41 is opposed by American people of faith. (See:
• HJ Res 41 is a gift to dictators, autocrats, and enemies of democracy.
• HJ Res 41 makes it easier for terrorists to access oil money to fund operations that puts the US at risk. (See:
• HJ Res 41 puts US troops at risk since secret oil and mining money funds the weapons and foreign fighters killing US servicemen and women in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places. See:
• HJ Res 41 will help corrupt officials steal money, fueling the instability and conflict that forces innocent people to become refugees.
• HJ Res 41 makes it harder for poor countries to graduate from US foreign aid.
• HJ Res 41 increases compliance costs for companies.
We urge President Trump to use his power to veto this dangerous legislation that undermines US national security, and US leadership on transparency and fighting corruption.
• HJ Res 41 makes it harder for poor countries to graduate from US foreign aid.
• HJ Res 41 makes it harder for poor countries to graduate from US foreign aid.
Additional Resources:
• Myth Busting: The Truth About the Cardin-Lugar Anti-Corruption Provision
• Corrupt Practice | Foreign Affairs
• ASP: Congress Should Not Repeal of Extractive Industry Disclosure Rules American Security Project
• Fueling Kleptocracy: Transparency in the Extractives Industry | Kleptocracy Initiative